Ain is a model and cosplayer, but a lot of her cosplay seems to involve putting on a wig and sticking her tongue out.
Maybe there are union rules about that sort of thing I’m not aware of.
Ain hails from Vietnam, and from the limited bio details available she seems to have been born in Ho Chi Min and currently lives in Hanoi where she models, cosplays, and sticks her tongue out while crossing her eyes. I assume she has an age, but not one I could find. While it appears that she’s had some facial adjustment done, it looks to me like she was naturally blessed in the chesticular area.
She states very clearly that she only does lewd, topless and implied shots, nothing explicit or fully nude (though to my eye, she gets pretty darned close). She seems to have dabbled a bit in more explicit stuff if that’s really her on EroMe, doing some tastefully covered DIY if you know what I mean.
She says in a post that she shoots a lot for Calvin Klein, and at the start of August said that she’s getting exhausted from working so hard, so she’s planning on slowing down a bit for her own health. Smart move on her part, because I personally would like to keep a beauty like this around for a long time!
Twitter (main account)
Twitter (backup, but seemingly with more content)
Onlyfans (Free!)
EroMe (oh to be a bar of chocolate)
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