Mardi 9 juin 2020 2 09 /06 /Juin /2020 22:45


Asana has my favorite Japanese girl body type: tall, slender with big breasts. Actually, I guess that could be of any Asian girl body type.

 Asana, who is Cambodian on her father’s side, made an appearance here a little over a decade ago. Old poster Candyman put her up on the old site in October 2009 (she also appears in the forum courtesy of prisoner 701). A true gravure model—no nudes. AKA Mana Kono and Asana Kouno, Asana moved into acting around 2010, working steadily and has just appeared in 2019s Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns parts 1 and 2. And no, that isn’t the one with Meryl Streep.

DOB: 1990/4/5
Height: 5’7″ (171cm)
Measurements: 35-22-34″ (90-55-87cm)



Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : JAV / Idole / Japanese - Communauté : MultiCommunauté Porno Sexe
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