Dimanche 12 janvier 2020 7 12 /01 /Jan /2020 08:12



Junon is a member of a Japanese dance team.

 The CyberJapan Dancers are, from what I understand, a dance team of fashion magazine models, singers, office ladies and ‘freeters’ (young people with no permanent job or part-time jobs, or moving from one part-time job to the next).                                                                       Junon, presumably, fits one of the above descriptions. She’s been dancing about five years (ballet, jazz, hip-hop etc.), and performs with the group while attending dance and vocal school with the hopes of becoming a star. She also models and acts. Junon owes her looks to her Japanese/Spanish/Filipino mix.



Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : Asian - Communauté : Ecchi
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