Mardi 10 mars 2020 2 10 /03 /Mars /2020 23:27


Ivana is a Filipina actress and model.

 AKA Mariam Al-Alawi, Ivana’s Instagram says she’s Moroccan and Filipina, although other information says her father is a Bahraini Muslim and that she lived with him for some years before joining her mom in Manila. Whatever. Discovered on a talent show in 2015, Ivana has been climbing the celebrity ladder ever since as a model and budding actress, and graced the pages of Playboy Philippines (non-nude of course). Fresh-faced (I much prefer her sans make-up) and seemingly enhancement–free, Ivana should appeal to many of the brethren. She certainly does to me.



Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : Filipina - Communauté : Fan de Dessins x
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