Mercredi 21 avril 2021 3 21 /04 /Avr /2021 12:00


When Woody-alien suggested Powrice I wasn’t too sure.

 From the first photo I saw of her I thought there’d certainly be an avalanche of negative comments.

Keep looking at the photos. The girl has a killer body. All the makeup is for effect and there are few photos where she has very little on if any. I do believe everything on her body is original. [I think her boobs are almost certainly enhanced, but very tastefully done. -the Doc] There’s not much known about Powrice. She’s German/Japanese, from California, possibly the Sacramento area and is said to be about 19. I found her listed as a ‘lewd model’. I’ve seen some videos and she does more than just model. Good suggestion from Woody.



Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : JAV / Idole / Japanese - Communauté : Fan de Dessins x
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