Lundi 22 mars 2021 1 22 /03 /Mars /2021 12:00


Su is a member of a syndicate.

 The Thai Bikini Mafia has had its hold on the male population since, I believe, 2015. Headquartered in Pattaya in the Sapphire Club, Su is just one of the enforcers using her beautiful face, magnificent bosom and glorious buttocks to force men to do things against their will, and graces the cover of their 2020 calendar. She also happens to be one of the few girls not splashed in ink, although I think we can assume none of us would let that stop us.

TBM and/or its girls have been featured here a few times (here, here and here). It’s always good.

TBM home


Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : Thai - Communauté : Manga hentai
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