Vendredi 10 janvier 2020 5 10 /01 /Jan /2020 08:05


Sylvia Choi

This is Sylvia Choi. This is hot.

 Sylvia is, I take it, Korean by way of Australia. It’s hard to say due to lack of info. I believe she promotes products on her Instagram, and also has a web site, where I think she sells clothes out of her closet. I don’t want to go on a rant here about how these Australian guys work, but it’s all “good on ya mate” this and “fair dinkum” that, then right as you’re reaching for that second shrimp on the barbie, they get the hot chicks. And I don’t think it’s voluntary on the chicks’ part either. Uh, yeah. Anyway, here’s Sylvia.


Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : Asian - Communauté : MultiCommunauté Porno Sexe
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