Dimanche 22 mars 2020 7 22 /03 /Mars /2020 23:50

Jeebus! Could it be…?

 TiNaMi (or Tin Na Mei) is a nude model who seems to be found exclusively at Gravure Girls, and as such all info on her is a state secret. The thing that caught my eye, or rather the things that caught my eye, are self-evident. She’s very pretty and has a nice body and legs, but those breasts! They have that nice flow to them. Is it possible? I mean, maybe it’s because I get tired of seeing the same boob jobs over and over and I’m fooling myself. but my first thought, after “no way”, was “maybe?”, then “I don’t think so”… Is there a Doctor in the house? [I will post my conclusions in the comments —the Doc]

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Par perfect-asian-boobs - Publié dans : Chinese model - Communauté : Des gros seins sinon rien !
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