Perfect asian boobs blog

Jeannylyn Kissire, aka jeannyjabil, jeannykissire – Beautiful Busty Asian babe

Jeannylyn Kissire is one hot and sexy Asian Babe. The busty brunette resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, and models for a variety of photographers. Easy to notice is her massive 34DD boobs on her slim and slender body. She is very comfortable shooting pics or videos for fashion, bikini and lingerie, and various body art. She also shoots implied nude and full nude photos. Make sure to check this hottie out, because she is absolutely stunning.



  • Age: 31 (as of the date of this post)
  • Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Alias: jeannyjabil, jeannykissire
  • Height: 5ft 4in
  • Weight: 104 lbs
  • Bust/Cup Size: 34DD
  • Waist: 22in
  • Hips: 25in
  • Tattoos: None
  • Piercings: None
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black


Mer 23 jun 2021 Aucun commentaire