Perfect asian boobs blog

Brenna Sparks is sensational. The 5ft 5in busty Asian babe hails from Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. She’s shot quite a bit of adult work for images and video. She is also a web cam girl on Streamate, and has an OnlyFans page you can join for free as well as a paid one. She’s gorgeous. I love her dark hair, her curves, and her tattoos are a nice touch. Deliciously sensual. She’s top!



  • Date of Birth: February 2, 1995
  • Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
  • Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
  • Height: 5ft 5in (165 cm)
  • Weight: 121 lbs (55 kg)
  • Hair color: Black
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Bra/Cup size: 32C
  • Boobs: Enhanced
  • Measurements: 32C-28-36

Dim 27 jun 2021 Aucun commentaire