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Arianny Celeste is a beautiful mixed Asian babe that gained celebrity status after her successful work of being a top UFC ring girl. The 5ft 5in hottie has been modeling for many years now, and has made a name for herself, being featured in magazines like Maxim, and many others. She has a very pleasant demeanor in her photos that shines right through. She’s got a killer body, beautiful dreamy eyes, and healthy 34D cup boobs. She’s simply stunning.



  • Full Name: Arianny Celeste-Penelope Lopez Marquez
  • Date of Birth: November 12, 1985
  • Birthplace: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States (USA)
  • Profession: Fitness Model, Model, Ring Girl
  • Hair color: Brown
  • Eye color: Hazel
  • Height: 5ft 5in (65 cm)
  • Weight: 110lbs (50 kg)
  • Measurements: 34-24-33
  • Bra/cup size: 34D (75D)
  • Boobs: Enhanced
  • Tattoos: Yes, on her foot
  • Piercings: Yes, navel

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Lun 28 jun 2021 Aucun commentaire