Perfect asian boobs blog

That’s what instantly came to mind.
Carla aka Dakini, Devi, Mira Westwood, Sabine, Sonia Parecadan, Sunny, is a nude model active since 2014. On one of the sites we visited she was listed as ‘chubby’. If she’s chubby then we’re a chubby chaser. Beauty being in the eye of the beholder and all that, she definitely has a strong Indian look, so it’s up to each of the brethren to decide for themselves what they think. Of course, you may never even look at her face, so prodigious are her breasts.
DOB: 1986/2/15 (or 1989/11)
Height: 5’6″ (168cm)
Weight: 125lbs (57kg)
Measurements: 36F-28-36″ (91-71-91cm)